VW To Offer Electric Car Sharing Services

The Volkswagen brand will offer car sharing services in future. The WE customer platform is to begin rolling out various vehicle-on-demand services, in particular car sharing, in Germany in 2019. These services are to be extended to major cities in Europe, North America and Asia as early as 2020.

Apart from car sharing, vehicle-on-demand services can also include micro-mobility solutions. Volkswagen recently presented e-mobile solutions for urban centers with the I.D. Cityskater and the I.D. Streetmate study.

Going forward, vehicle-on-demand services from the WE/We customer platform, which could also be used to provide services such as a parking app or location based vouchering, are also designed to complement the mobility solutions offered by MOIA. MOIA’s products focus on ride hailing and pooling services.

The vehicle-on-demand services available on the Volkswagen WE platform will be managed by Urban Mobility International GmbH, Berlin (UMI), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Volkswagen AG led by CEO Philip Reth. UMI began operating this year with a team of approximately 30.